Through various techniques, one initiates an expanded state of consciousness to reach transpersonal dimensions. Everyone must experience for himself whether these realms lie beyond the brain. This question revolves around the age-old debate about whether matter generates consciousness or consciousness exists fundamentally in a higher dimension and only temporarily accesses the soma, especially the brain. Already, Plato and Democritus had heated debates about this.
From my experience, I can only state that the true “I” is something supra-corporeal. In my work with CranioSacral Therapy, especially with Holotropic Breathwork, I repeatedly experience how clients enter a transpersonal dimension. These realms can be explored and go far beyond death and rebirth experiences. In my series of articles, I show how I utilize these dimensions therapeutically in trauma treatment.
Death and Rebirth Experiences
Transpersonal Dimensions
Transpersonal Dimensions, which often include death and rebirth experiences, usually open the door to a transbiographical realm of the human psyche that can best be described as being “beyond the physical realm” or beyond the brain. The perinatal level of the unconscious is an area of contact between the biographical and transpersonal realms or between the personal and collective unconscious.
Occasionally, experiential access to transpersonal elements and themes can be gained directly without confronting the perinatal level. The common denominator of this vibrant and expansive group of transpersonal phenomena is the sense that one’s consciousness has exceeded the normal boundaries of the “I” and transcended the usual limitations of space and time.
Expansion of Consciousness
Expanded consciousness can be defined as transpersonal experiences or the experiential expansion or extension of consciousness beyond the ordinary boundaries of the body-ego and the limitations of space and time. These experiences include various phenomena that can occur on different levels of reality. In a sense, the entire spectrum of transpersonal experiences encompasses existence itself.
Since transpersonal phenomena are a vast spectrum of perceptions, I will give here only a few examples that we may observe during CranioSacral Therapy or similar treatments or process accompaniment:
Expansion of experience within “objective reality” and beyond space-time, such as: Transcending spatial boundaries; identification with other humans, identification with animals, extraterrestrial experiences, identification with plants and botanical processes. Transcending the boundaries of linear time; ancestral experiences, embryonic and fetal experiences, memories of events in previous incarnations. Physical introversion and narrowing of consciousness; organ, tissue and cellular consciousness.
Stanislav Grof
Psychic Borderlands
Expansions of experiences beyond the limits of “objective reality” and space-time; spiritualistic and mediumistic experiences, the energetic phenomenon of the subtle body, encounters with animal spirits, spiritual guides, and superhuman beings; visits to other universes, and encounters with their inhabitants engage with universal archetypes… and much more.
Transpersonal Therapy
Devaluation of Trauma
We specifically look for these borderline experiences in transpersonal therapy because we find traumas and conflicts that elude our everyday perception in these realms. Nevertheless, these impressions are present in the psyche and shape our lives—usually not to our advantage. Such imprints suppress certain aspects of us or make us hypersensitive to specific sensations, leading to our inability to develop particular parts of ourselves fully.
In terms of individualization, it is essential to bring these traumas from the depths of the subconscious to the surface and neutralize them—we also speak here of “devaluation.” My series of articles addresses various topics that outline working through trauma and blockages. Birth trauma is one of the critical phenomena in this context, found in almost all people in varying degrees. However, this topic will be discussed in a separate article.
In my follow-up article, I will explicitly address the topic of “healing and transformation through holotropic therapy.”
Further Questions
- What are expanded states of consciousness?
- Where can I find holistic treatment modalities?
- What is CranioSacral Therapy?
- How can homeopathy help me?
- Can I treat birth trauma holistically?
- What is Holotropic Breathwork?
- Who is the author of this article?
Continue to the follow-up article >