
Holistic therapy of embodiment
and emotional liberation

Therapy for emotional Liberation in the Canton Fribourg, Switzerland

“Open the door to yourself.
Reconnect with your body and your emotions.”

— Eva Ursiny —

My therapeutic approach combines various techniques such as CranioSacral Therapy, Somatic Therapy, Homeopathy and Holotropic Breathwork.

Do you suffer from various tensions in your body and an emotional, psychological and/or behavioral imbalance?

Physical Symptoms

  • Pain in muscles, joints, head.
  • Flatulence, constipation, diarrhea.
  • Constant exhaustion.
  • Insomnia, sleep disorders.
  • Cardiac arrhythmia.
  • Difficulty breathing.

Emotional Troubles

  • Anxiety, nervousness and excessive worry.
  • Persistent sadness and loss of interest
  • Irritability and frequent anger.
  • Rapid mood swings.
  • Panic attacks, irrational fear.
  • Difficulty expressing oneself.
  • Difficulty feeling emotions.

Psycholical Symptoms

  • Difficulty concentrating.
  • Omnipresent, repetitive and intrusive thoughts.
  • Frequent forgetting.
  • Lack of motivation
  • Hypersensitivity to the environment.

Behavior Issues

  • Difficulty concentrating.
  • Omnipresent, repetitive and intrusive thoughts.
  • Frequent forgetting.
  • Lack of motivation
  • Hypersensitivity to the environment.

These symptoms can be signs that your body and mind are under stress and out of balance. Following a holistic therapy approach can help you treat these symptoms to bring the energetic, emotional and physical body into harmony.

Are you ready for a new approach?

You Carry the Key to your Liberation within You!

Eva Ursiny Therapy, the Key to Liberation

Relieved yourself of these Symptoms:

  • Relief, more energy and less fatigue, better sleep, good digestion and normal breathing.
  • Calmness, feeling of happiness, less irritability, positive feeling about the future.
  • Ability to feel and express emotions.
  • Clarity, fewer intrusive thoughts, more dynamism and motivation.
  • Feeling of calm and mental and emotional stability.
  • Desire to reconnect with others.
  • Reduction in compulsive behaviors.
  • Healthy habits
  • Ability to set boundaries and avoid stress.
  • Less agitation and more self-control.
  • Less anger, more kindness.

“During the treatment, amazing images, stories and memories arise that bring resolution and relief to my body and consciousness on a psychological level.” — H. B.

Physical and Emotional Balance: New Freedom

Liberated Woman

In short, after being free of these symptoms, you may experience a deep sense of well-being, inner peace, and a new ability to live a fulfilling and peaceful life. This leads to an overall improvement in your quality of life, on a personal, interpersonal, and professional level.

Eva Ursiny Facilitor Holotropic Breathwork Switzerland

Your Therapist

Eva Ursiny

Certified Holotropic Breathwork facilitator according to GTT & GLT, Homeopath, CranioSacral Therapist, Yoga Teacher and Artist.

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